1. Reflections….. of Al Huda Institute’s first batch of senior students.We began our life as students when most of us thought of ourselves in our dotage – 55 touching on 65 touching on …. [this is embarrassing!) The Group in Charge (GI) was always someone younger than our daughters. We were invariably surrounded by girls just out of school, young mothers or mothers of adolescent children leaving bustling households to come hear the words of Allah. Their respectful words “aunty” took us forward a few years more.How were we going to handle this course, we asked ourselves privately? Our hearts yearned to know the meanings of the verses that were practically ingrained in our minds through years of recitation starting from the time the “lebbe umma” visited home decades ago. But now, we realized that chanting verses were not enough. After all, this is the 21st century, 15 hundred years after Allah revealed the Quran. Idly wishing we knew what we were reading was taking us nowhere and this was precisely why we were on the doorstep of Al Huda, grabbing the opportunity to be its first batch of students.

    As we delved into the early Surahs, we realized that the courage of our first step to join as students, (notwithstanding the hurdles of age and being surrounded by smart, intelligent young students fresh out of school) was recognized by Allah. What comfort Ayah 286 of Surah al-Baqarah brought to us! Allah was conveying to us… yes, we can do it. It is not for nothing that He brought us here:“Allah does not burden a soul beyond that which it can bear…”

    This was most apparent during test time, when hearts quaked and fingers trembled. We looked around and everyone looked so confident. Going through the paper always left us with a relieved silent breath of Alhamdulillah! To this date, reaching the end of the course – Juz 30, Allah’s promise of Ayah 286 of Surah al-Baqarah has stood firm as a rock.

    Troubles came thick and fast as we proceeded along the course. Things we never anticipated happened. People we took for granted as our rocks of comfort deserted us. Calm souls became aggressive. It looked as if we might have to abandon the course. O Allah! Why? Please turn Your Mercy on our striving. Surah al-Baqarah Ayah 214 clarified the “Why” of the issue:

    “Or think you that you will enter Paradise without such (trials) as came to those who passed away before you? They were afflicted with severe poverty and ailments and were so shaken that even the Messenger and those who believed along with him said “When (will come) the Help of Allah? Yes, certainly the Help of Allah is near!”Courage and grit kicked in. We senior citizens were not going to give in to the “minor” discomforts we faced, going by the descriptive Ayat of what real troubles were all about! Having the advantage of experiencing real life gave us an edge over the young students. We had lived through a lot of challenges. This was the time to prove ourselves, to become a beacon of inspiration to the younger ones.

    Of course there were plenty of moments when courage dropped. At that time, we invariably came across another Ayah that gave us renewed energy. Surah ash-Shura Ayah 36 took away that tinge of regret when everyone was out enjoying a function and we were alone at home studying for an upcoming grammar test:

    “and (remember that) whatever you are given (now) is but for the (passing) enjoyment of life in this world – whereas that which is with Allah is far better and more enduring.”

    At times a small touch of laziness would creep in. Allah introduces Az Zuhruf, Ayah 30:

    “As for him who forsakes the admonition of the Most Gracious, We appoint for him a shaitan who then becomes an intimate companion for him.”

    The two years dedicated to Islamic Studies has brought us rich rewards, deepening our faith, bringing us closer to our Lord with every Surah we learned. The Institute has been amazing. Totally dedicated in imparting selflessly as much knowledge as its students could take, sometimes we imagined it was more than we could take! But then, we were learning so much. We agreed in unison that for the quantum of knowledge we were gaining, a mere two years from our life span was negligible. This is possibly the most appropriate moment to convey our heartfelt gratitude to the Institute. Allah has been very gracious to us.

    We ask Dua for all our sisters and brothers in Islam that Allah (SWT) guides them to learning, understanding and living the beautiful religion we have been born into. We seek his Great Mercy and Graciousness for us all.

  2. A Journey of the Heart“Fine! Just once!” the stubborn lass has finally conceded, much to the satisfaction of her cousin. Who, you may ask is the stubborn lass? None other than my beautiful self. Having successfully completed my A Levels, I had finally grown up enough to pursue my dreams of becoming a lawyer. How cliché! But seriously, living your teenage years with every aunt and uncle expressing the greatness of the profession, is sufficient to make you believe you are following your literal dreams. However, there was a small glitch in my 10 year plan of study and employment. It had a gap year. Right at the very beginning! Sufficient to say that hours turned into days which turned into months of boredom. So what exactly did I concede to? A single day at a class where the Qur’an was being taught, or that’s what I thought! So I went with firm resolve to stay true to my dreams and not be swayed by anything.

    Despite having grown up in a Muslim family, with Islamic values and etiquettes of behavior, I had little to no knowledge of what exactly the Qur’an contained. In my imagination it was all thou and doth- as per my previous encounters with the translation. My journey with the greatest blessing in my life began on the 22nd of October 2015 with the 163rd verse of Surah Baqarah. If you expected me to hear the Qur’an once and realize it is my calling, sorry to disappoint, but I’m not an Umar ibn Al- Khattab (RA). What I did realize on my first day of class was that the Qur’an was interesting and I wanted to know more but I still wasn’t willing to sacrifice my career in law. I remember being seated in a study circle full of older aunties and feeling quite left out as they had by now mastered the routine of study. Quite unexpectedly, my teacher joined in, sat beside me and asked me about myself. Ever the one to oblige and turn down any idea of me becoming a full time student, I proceeded to tell her about my, set in stone, plans for law. She listened patiently and the said “That’s wonderful, but what about your Aakhira?” Although the concept of the Aakhira was not yet firmly embedded in my heart, that question struck a chord.

    My teacher would never fail to reiterate the importance of a seeker of knowledge and Allah, the best of planners, ensured that we studied the below mentioned hadith on the day I was to make my decision of becoming a full time student.

    The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said, “He who follows a path in quest of knowledge, Allah will make the path of Jannah easy to him. The angels lower their wings over the seeker of knowledge, being pleased with what he does. The inhabitants of the heavens and the earth and even the fish in the depth of the oceans seek forgiveness for him. The superiority of the learned man over the devout worshiper is like that of the full moon to the rest of the stars (i.e., in brightness). The learned are the heirs of the Prophets who bequeath neither dinar nor dirham but only that of knowledge; and he who acquires it, has in fact acquired an abundant portion.” (Abu Dawood, At-Tirmidhi)

    Was I to choose otherwise? I think not! 

    “Smile and look away, don’t stare for too long!” I told myself, as I made eye contact with a smiling sister from afar. Ever the socially awkward teenager, I had no qualms about sitting alone however it wasn’t long before pleasantries were exchanged and my memory was overworked remembering all those names and their respective faces. Despite having grown up with Muslim friends, the connection with these sisters seemed stronger, simply because we shared the same goal and were determined to get there together. A half of the struggles in my heart were lightened simply because of my sisters. They were the real life examples I needed to live the Qur’an. Be it doing Ihsan to others or being of the Sabiqoon, they demonstrated and I followed. And no, the Qur’an was not the only thing we spoke of but even the mundane affairs we covered, we did so in the light of Islam. I would have been left far behind in this journey had it not been for them. It was a love like no other.

    As my study with the Qur’an progressed, my heart began to beat again. Just how, I know not, but the realization of the purpose of one’s life has the ability to transform one’s perspective and priorities. I found myself craving the boost of Iman I received in class, and dreaded going back home simply because I was afraid I would lose it. It was a constant battle within my heart. Adopting the good was not as difficult as letting go of the bad. Opportunities for good would always present themselves when I was with righteous company, making the fulfillment one of ease. But who would protect me against Shaitaan when I was alone? It took me a year to realize that recognizing the greatness of my Creator was the key to fulfilling the other half of Taqwa. My thoughts, previously in dreamland, were now focused on reality. Death, the one thing I had avoided any thought of, was constantly playing before my eyes. And terrifying as it is, I understood that its constant reminder was part and parcel of leading a conscious life. I was no longer a part of the living dead.

    No one warned me that the Qur’an, the living miracle, would speak to me on occasion with verses as if they were written especially for me. They failed to inform me about that indescribable feeling I would feel as I first understood what was being recited of the Qur’an during Tharaweeh. Little did I know that I would treasure the moments when my Dua was answered and I would thrive off of those deeds that were a secret between Allah and myself. Every action became a point of reflection and I began to see the wisdom in the gradual study of the Qur’an. It gave me time to mold myself with its persistent reminders and admonitions. Ones I had been receiving throughout my life but never been paying any heed to. The shroud of ignorance was removed and I was no longer in darkness.

    After nearly two years of study, I am unable to fathom, due to its immeasurability, how grateful I should be for the blessing of the Qur’an. As my teacher always said “This isn’t the end of your study, rather it is the beginning of your journey with the Qur’an”. Looking back I realize, despite my constant efforts to detach, Allah reattached. Despite my endless efforts to run, Allah bound me to it, shifted my focus and pushed me forward. As for the thought of pursuing law, the dream? More like a nightmare. 

  3.  AlhamdhuliAllah, all Praise and Thanks is for Allah alone. La ilaha illah Hu, there is no God worthy of worship but Him. He is the One who has Blessed us with this opportunity of studying His Noble Book from cover to cover. He has cured us through His Words, Wisdom and Advice. He filled our minds with positive and encouraging thoughts. He inspired our tongues to utter that which is beneficial and pleasing to Him.
    He mended our hearts’ that were shattered by the expectations we placed in this world alone. He saved us from the grasp of ignorance. He enlightened our dull and heedless  lives with energy and purpose. He awakened our faculties of vision and hearing. He navigated our lost souls To its true purpose.

    My respected and beloved sisters, our thirst and search for knowledge should never come to an end. This is just the tip of the iceberg as they say; our zeal and passion to learn and serve this religion should persevere against all odds. Every single one of us can contribute and offer our services in some way. We are a team but more importantly we’re a family. We are sisters’ tied by the bond of La ilaha illa Allah who have been hand picked and placed here today for a reason.
    Allah has facilitated for us in every way; He granted us a wonderful place of learning, necessary material and equipment and above all kind/patient/hard working staff.

    People who by the Will of Allah acted as pillars to ensure that we as students’ had what we needed. AlhamdhuliAllah for such wonderful teachers, their dedication and immense support has played a crucial part in our time here. Truly these are amazing favors by Allah and in order to prove to Him how grateful we are, we should strive for Him. Sincerely for His Pleasure. My sisters’, Jannah is worth it.

    Our time here is short and thus we need to do as much as we can to take the message of Islam far and wide. Our guide to fulfill this mission is the Speech of our Creator- the Quran and the Sunnah (inclusive of manners, conduct and character) of our beloved leader and Prophet Muhammad (SAW).

    May Allah forgive every single one of our sins and accept our righteous actions. May He truly allow us to convey His word. this is Quran
    for all. In every hand. In every heart.

    Rabbana taqabbal minna innaka anta samueeul majeed watub alaina innaka anta tawwabur Raheem.

  4. *My journey with the Qur’an*

    I still remember registration’s day quite vividly.. My mother did inform me prior that it was a course teaching the Qur’an, but as I stepped in there, I kinda panicked.. “What have I gotten myself into?” 
    But let me tell you, now, as I sit back and recall the memories of my journey with the Qur’an, I realize that this has been the best thing that has ever happened to me!
    I thought I knew everything about Islam but no, I was wrong. Every verse of the Qur’an taught me something new, opened my eyes to reality. 
    I’ve become so much more conscious in all that I do from what I speak to even my thoughts. It has moulded my life, giving it a whole new purpose which I never figured out when still in school. 

    Two years back, I would have never been the person who would eagerly look forward to a 2 hour Tafseer lesson, but now, I would never dream of exchanging those 2 hours for doing anything else! The Qur’an used to be that book which I would open only during Ramadan or when my brothers and I would get a scolding from my Dad for not reciting Surah Mulk, but now, it’s a book I open daily, and knowing the meaning of the Arabic makes it more of a reason for me to love it! The feeling of butterflies and happiness every time I understand the Qur’an whenever it is recited cannot be explained in words. I always wonder about what good I did for Allah to choose me for such a noble cause while if I, being 17 at that time, would have been given the choice of choosing this myself, would have most probably rejected it. Allah dragged me into this despite my hesitation, through my mother and to her, will I ever be grateful.
    I’ve learned so much by just observing my teachers at Al Huda, amazed at how they have sacrificed all their time for the Deen, and as clichè as it sounds, I do agree here that “actions do speak louder than words”.
    I’ve made so many wonderful friends and I feel a sense of belonging here while all of us share the same goal and same purpose. 

    This has been the best experience in my memory lane so far and I pray that Allah (swt) enables me to live the Qur’an, carry it forward to others and  enable the Qur’an to continue to lighten my path in the future
    ان شآء الله

  5. “This is what I call a Divine Intervention, 

    So please just listen, 

    Give me your undivided attention, 

    This is my story, 

    A couple of years back, when I was 15

    I had plans of leaving the country, 

    Believe me I tried repeatedly, 

    ‘When will I be free?’ I thought solemnly, 

    After some faith had entered me, 

    My chance came, finally

    To explore the world independently, 

    Devoid of my family, 

    But in particular, 

    I wanted to enroll in a university, 

    To pursue a Bachelors in Psychology, 

    I searched around eagerly, 

    And found one that had some decency, 

    I gave my name and set the fee, 

    But then, a few days later… BOOM a calamity, 

    My attitude changed dramatically, 

    The decision I was once held firm was now sinking before me,

    He brought me back slowly and gently, 

    Yes literally, 

    It was nothing but His Mercy, 

    He replaced my loss with greater opportunities, 

    He let me win competitions and gifted me with trophies, 

    He tagged me “volunteer” at different colloquies, 

    He introduced me to righteous company, 

    He taught me Quran and Arabic calligraphy, 

    Tafsir which is word for word mind you and the Prophet’s (SAW) biography, 

    Now He grants me confidence to share my poetry, 

    سبحانك يا ربي

    My beautiful sisters, this is Allah

    Turn to Him wherever you are, 

    Just you and Him, no mediation

    This is what I call a Divine Intervention.” 

  6. How The Qur’an Changed My Life

    First of all, my sincere gratitude to Allah swt for guiding me to the straight path.

    Looking back as to how I was few years ago, made me realize how much shaitan had influenced me. It was as if he had overtaken my life and made me fall to every trap of his. He made me feel that I have all the time in the world to repent, because I was a teenager and I had many more years ahead. He made me feel that I’m doing great as a teenager. Why? Because praying five times a day is more than enough.
    I felt like I’m alive but something was missing – like my soul was dead. I was blindly following the fashion trends, gossips, movies, dramas, most importantly I was doing all what my friends approved of.

    But still الحمد الله there was some guilt in my heart. I knew what I was doing wasnt right. My heart wasn’t content with whatever I was doing because I was just doing what the others did!

    After finishing my studies, I enrolled myself in a diploma. Towards the end of my diploma, Al Huda was established and Taleem Ul Quran was going on.
    After I completed my diploma, I applied for a job and then my sister asks me to join the Taleem Ul Quran course.
    My initial reaction – No way! I have to do the job. And I can do this later.
    After so much persuasion by my sister – I finally agreed to come to Al Huda just for ONE DAY.

    When I first stepped into Al Huda, I never imagined I would be in this place for the rest of the two years and I’ll be calling this place, HOME.
    I clearly remember my first tafsir class – it was about Allah guiding whom He loves. I was really moved. I was astonished. Is Allah really trying to tell me this ?

    And there was this day…
    Where in my hands I had a job offer at One of the leading schools in Colombo and on the other hand  joining Al Huda.
    I made a decision. The right decision. The best decision I could ever make.
    I knew the job that I was looking forward to will not be the right choice.
    It’s the Quran – that will always  be the best choice.
    الحمد الله
    These two years of my life has been amazing. Yes, there were hardships but there has always been ease. The Qur’an Changed My life in every way. It changed the way I think. It connected me to my Rabb! I realized that Allah bestowed upon me a huge favour. REALLY HUGE FAVOUR. Even though I wasn’t a sincere believer HE LOVED ME. That is why He bestowed upon me the knowledge of the Deen. He guided me when I was astray. He showed me the right path when I was stumbling in the wrong path. He made sure that this believer of His, needed the right knowledge.
    What Amazes me the most is that He Himself chose me, out of all people to learn His book.
    ‎الحمد الله.
    Everyday, each ayat moved me, every hadith made me love Prophet Muhammed (saw) more, every time reading the Qur’an during Tajwid made me get goosebumps and Arabic grammar had a beautiful connection with the Qur’an.
    Above all these, Allah made me meet some amazing people – My little family at Al Huda. The righteous company who would boast my Imaan. It’s all Fadl from Allah.
    الحمد الله
    I pray to Allah to bless each of us, to guide us to the straight path, and to make us remain steadfast in His Deen. امين

  7. I started my journey with a half heart. One half craving to learn d words of Allah and the other half afraid to make a commitment that’l disrupt my home front. Yet my eagerness to learn Allah’s words overcame my fears.

    As I set foot on this beautiful journey I found things falling to place and strength and courage to face the difficulties on the way. I found Allah’s mercy in every ease that came to enable my journey.

    Day by day, with every verse and every Surah, I found myself changing, a positive transformation taking place in my life. From the food ate, clothes I wore, words I spoke and my entire lifestyle was changing.

    I was drawing away from d pomp and glamour I craved for once in my life. The gossips and grapevine didn’t appeal anymore. My heart was craving for knowledge and spiritual cleansing.

    I found that the Quran has become my closest of companion and teacher. It spoke to me through its verses, comforted me at times hardship, gave me hope and contentment. The Quran taught me to smile during the hardest times by seeing the many blessings and ease that is still left even during my hardest of times. Once my life was all about the if’s and but’s. Haven’t used those words in two years cos I now I am gracefully able to accept Allah’s decree that comes with much wisdom and blessing.

     The Quran guided me through good times and bad times. It was a constant reminder to stay focused on my purpose of life. It pulled me back to track whenever I slipped. I’ve learnt that Allah is the most forgiving and that sincere repentance is most beloved to Allah. I’ve leant that a believer should never despair in the mercy of Allah. 

    My heart has no space to harbour hurt, anger and grudges. I forgive and overlook those hurt me for the countenance of Allah’s face. I am able to do favors and give in Allah’s way without any hope of return just to please Allah.

    Quran had taught me to recognize the grandeur of my creator, it gives me great joy to ponder and reflect on everything around me is a sign of his oneness and power. 

    Quran has brought me closer to my Rabb, it has opened my eyes to the true purpose of my life. Quran is the greatest treasure I found in life. 

    Every product comes with a manual from its manufacturer for the best use of it. Similarly Quran is the only user manual for mankind to lead a successful life. After all its from the maker himself.

    Read, learn and make the Quran a part of your life.

  8. This is a little portion of my journey through the Quran.

    I was a born Muslim but I did not practice religion as it should be done. My father was a Muazzin and he used to get angry and shout at me and my siblings as we do not pray regularly.

    Furthermore I got married to a man who converted to a Muslim for us to get married, and it took me further away from the religion. However deep down in my heart if anyone says something against my religion I get very irritated, but I never knew how to defend my religion since I do not have the knowledge required to do so.

    I had a very comfortable stable life with my three cute kids. I shifted to Sri Lanka in 2006, after one year my life collapsed. Financially we got broke and my kids suffered a lot and they were removed from school. That was the turning point of my life. I started thinking this is all due to my sins and not obeying Allah, that’s when I turned to Allah.

    Days passed by and it carried on like this for almost one and a half years we went through so much hardship, but my patience and faith in Allah never waved. I kept on praying and asking duas and fasting. Time passed and Allah(swt) showed me a sign, an Al Huda leaflet and that drove me to this Religious gathering which made me feel so close to Allah.

    At the start it was a lot on my shoulders as I found out that it wasn’t just thafseer I had to study but so much more. I kept thinking, “can I do all this work along with the responsibilities of a mother and wife”, but somehow Allah put so much Baraka in my time I was able to manage. After starting this course I feel different deep inside and every day I go home and share some part of my lesson with my kids and husband. And as sister Farah kept repeatedly, “we will be tested as the Quran started coming to an end”, it really came true. It started in October 2016, my husband lost his job again and once again I faced the same situation. And I didn’t know how I could go to Al-Huda and how to buy for the books as I could hardly support my children education and our daily expenditures.

    This was the time I really understood the saying, “Allah will sent help from places we never thought help could come”. I went to class crying inside thinking, “How am I going to buy the Juz”. Believe it or not that day, one of my friends gifted me with the Juz, with no clue of my current situation. The tears just started rolling down my face and she asked for an explanation and I avoid the question by saying, “It was tears of joy”.

    This same phenomenon occurred when I had only few hundred rupees in my pocket and kept thinking to myself how am I going to manage the coming days addicting to that i had to go to visit my aunt who come here from Male. I put my trust in Allah knowing that somehow he will show me a way, so I went to visit my aunt who did not know of my situation. She gave me gift which helped me survive the following few weeks.

    One day with a heavy heart, I confessed, poured my heart to the management that I may not be able to attend Al-huda due to my circumstances. However a nice sister in admin encouraged me not to stop and I was helped by the admins and a few friends who came to my situation. I was in this situation for almost 6 months. Every day I go to study I felt as if though the Quran was talking to me, answering the questions in my head that could never be answered. It taught me lot of patience and made me stronger.

    I could have given up so easily if it was not for the encouragement of the Admins, specially sister Qaanita and sister Rameeza and a few of my friends but most importantly with the will of the always all hearing and knowing Allah (swt). It would have deprived me of this great blessing of Allah (swt)and this beautiful gathering. Through them Allah helped me and I am eternally I’m so grateful.

    The happiest day was when I saw the envy in my father eyes when he came to visit me. When he saw how hard I was struggling to study the Kallam of Allah he would come and sit with me after fajr prayers when I do my studies and I used to explain the verses to him. I couldn’t believe it when he came and asked me for the meaning of the duas he recite every day and to ask me to check if the duas was authentic.

    My heart was popping out of my chest, I have never been this happy in long time. I couldn’t comprehend the happiness I got out of explaining that to my father, out of all the people …my father.

    I am so grateful to Allah for showing me signs not give up. From one human to another don’t give up studying the kallam of Allah whatever the situation maybe, don’t lose hope. This is one of the biggest blessings Allah could have bestowed on you. Have the confidence that Allah will help you through the worst of situations if you have the patience.

    Inshallah my hope is to always be a part of Al Huda, a place where I found the whole purpose of our life. I wholeheartedly thank sister Farah for teaching me and everyone here thafseer, which I’m pretty sure we all enjoyed every minute of. Im so grateful to Allah(swt) for giving me a bunch of righteous new friends.

  9. Diary of a lost soul that found comfort and guidance in the book of Allah…

    The 30 something years of my life I realize I have been groping in the darkness not knowing what my purpose in life is. I have achieved but yet there is a sense of loss..a sense of regret. Alhamdulilah it’s not too late but I so much wish it had been much earlier- my connection with the Quran. Yes I was taught to recite by 7 years but no I was not connected ..hence my loss , hence the darkness hence not knowing what my purpose in life. Everything comes with a manual , I came with one too – the Quran 

    Alhamdulilah I joined Al huda as a student of knowledge in 2015 , 10 th September 2015 to be exact , a life changing day in my life. Not having written much in a long time before the course, my clumsily written notes and painstakingly written Arabic stare back at me. So never worry about taking notes it’s always a bit challenging at first but gets better. What stuck with me throughout the course from my day one notes was Purpose of Quran- To bring mankind out of darkness to light. This is my change . I came out of my darknesses –‘zuloomaath’ to light ‘nur’ with every class I attended. What darkness am I talking about ?

    Darkness of ignorance.I used to recite surah fathiha in my salah just like that . Not knowing what I am uttering, not connecting, after my first few classes when I say “Alhamdu lil Lahi Rabbil Alameen” I feel the greatness of My Rabb , “Iyyaka Na’budu wa iyyaka Nasthaeen” I confess my worship only to Allah and beg for only His help. This knowledge took me out of my ignorance of the meaning of the Quran and into light.

    Likewise I would be frustrated and bored when I heard the Quran being recited at Tarawih prayer or a nikah ceremony or whatever occasion when I did not understand what was being recited, now I am ever so grateful to Allah for guiding me to this beacon of light , I am able to enjoy and concentrate in tarawih , I cry, I smile and rejoice at understanding the Quran . I would listen tentatively to the nikah sermon and discuss it with whoever sits next to me and do some dawah too. Ignorance was one huge stretch of darkness I overcame with the Quran. I wasn’t groping anymore Alhamdulilah but darkness still surrounded me .What other darkness??

    I recognized my Rabb in all His Glory in the Quran. Every beautiful name and quality He Has that was mentioned in the Quran made me get closer to Him and every step closer to Allah made the darkness dwindle. I felt hopeless with my years of sin and evil but I learnt from the book of Allah , Allah is Ar Rahman , the most merciful, He forgives no matter how big my sins, He is Ghaffar , all I had to do was raise my hands in dua and ask , He forgives. He is the one who guides and I felt like yes I can come out of this state of despair and darkness.

    I needed my manual to sort out the troubleshooting in me. Those subtle evils that crop up that dragged me to darkness- arrogance, jealousy and showing off. I had all of it big time, hence I was groping in darkness. I feel ashamed to confess …and the details are gross…but I did feel like I had it all and had walked around like Qarun and Haman . It was only when I connected to the Quran that I knew who I was –an despicable emitted sperm drop a nutfah which by the mercy of my Rabb got fashioned in to a form that I call me. I ask myself how could I have had so much arrogance when I rely upon Allah for everything all the time – oxygen, water, sun, food.. I broke against those shackles that held me tied to darkness through the Quran.

    I was a very impatient and hot tempered person so much so that my father calls me “pepper corn”I think that’s a trait I still have which has improved but that’s darkness and when my Rabb repeatedly says in the Quran that He is with the patient and successful are the ones with sabr , out of fear of losing out on success ,with lots of dua I still ask for patience.

    Before this journey with the Quran , for me it was , “me and myself” I lived a life with no empathy to others , I was not a very giving person, it was because I was in a surrounding like that surrounded by selfish Sri Lankan doctors J. The stories of the prophets in the Quran taught me how selfless and well-wishing they were to others and alhamdulilah for group juwairiyah , it’s shepherd (leader) and all the lovely sisters I met during my journey at Al huda . I learnt that happiness comes from not only taking but immense happiness comes from giving and hanging out with righteous company.

    Getting connected to the Quran made me establish my salah , perfect my sawm and zakah, made me implore to Allah to make me of those who do haj inshaAllah soon , made me a reasonably good daughter, wife and mother I hope . Made me write this as part of being a reasonable daee.

    As I am in the latter part of the journey with learning the Quran , I tell myself , it’s not the end , it’s just the beginning .Now is the challenge to hold on to the Quran, and to establish it’s teachings until my last breath. The last juz very clearly explains my purpose in life and my final destination. Destination jannah- purpose in life – Worship Allah, do everything to please Him and stay away from everything that displeases Allah ,keeping the Quran and sunnah as my guiding manuals.

    I have alhamdulilah broken free from my darknesses in to light by connecting to the Quran. The challenge lingers on that I keep my connection strong and stay away from the chief deceiver who will try harder than ever before to drag me back to the darknesses of this fleeting life forgetting my purpose and my destination , after all I am insaan but I have my dhikr my reminder the Quran and a heart that receives admonition and a Rabb that answers my duas to be guided until my last breath.

    May Allah grant all of us the gift of connecting to the Quran and keep us connected. I thank al huda immensely, Jazakallah khair kaseerah for bringing the Quran in to my life, this gradual learning of the Quran has made me a better person and the purpose of my creation meaningful. Jazakallah khair.

  10. Stepping into this course I started off with many doubts as to how I will accommodate family life and start studying all over again after many years. Subahanallah life changed its course in ways I can’t imagine. At the beginning yes I had to face some issues at the home front but Allah’s promise has always been Haqq and He helped me face these trials by making me see them from an angle that makes sense only after I ventured on this amazing journey. Before when I faced trials in life I would despair and find something or someone to blame for things going wrong. But now the Qur’an has opened doors I never knew even existed. I am able to manage changes and situations in my life with a positive outlook being certain that my Rabb knows what’s best for me. Making dua has never been more sincere and constant like it is now because reading over and over how my Rabb waits for me to call upon Him it has a yearning that has developed knowing who My Lord is. 

    The added bonus is righteous company and the beauty of this relationship is that it’s based on the foundation of Imaan and seeking Allah’s pleasure alone. Now I would scrutinize my thoughts my words my actions and my time too. Yes I am human and I got through the fluctuations in my Imaan but only to have it stabilized when I walk through the doors of Al Huda. It’s my second home and every sister there is my family. Every moment spent at Al Huda has been the best investment I’ve ever made and every second is priceless. Every moment has been beneficial and it has moulded us into productive Muslims. 

    Before I was busy with things pertaining to the dunya and thinking as long as I’m a good wife and mother all will be fine but how will I know how to be a good wife and mother if I don’t know what’s in the Qur’an ? Last year when my daughter got dengue I had newfound strength to cope with the situation I never knew I had. Before if the kids would even get a fever I would moan and complain but this time was different I kept saying Alhamdulillah which even surprised my husband because he used to be the brunt of my frustration. Even when it was heartbreaking to watch her scream during the blood tests I remained in the state of gratitude. Never before did life make sense like it did now and how to achieve  for what I’m being created for , that is to Love and Fear my Rabb that is befitting for Him Alone. 


    “And when My servants ask you concerning Me- indeed I am near. I respond to the invocation of the supplicant when he calls Me. So let them respond to Me and believe in Me that they may be rightly guided”

    (Surah Baqarah:186)

  11. When I was in my early teens during school, the only thing that ran in my head was freedom! And above all was acceptance. When I was slightly smaller, whatever I saw my classmates did, my moral compass said that it was wrong, and so I stayed away from them. This resulted in me being alone most of the time and as a result, some of my classmates picked on me. And as time passed by- I broke, succumbing to all those things which I knew were wrong, just so that I was within their social circle and just so that I was accepted. Soon this became a part of me, but even the purpose I did it for was lost. I found myself in the shadows again, not amongst people. But I numbed it all with the sin, I kept watching one series after another. Read one novel after another, it was a repeated and an endless cycle. Most of all, I wasn’t satisfied, I just wanted something to fill up the emptiness that I felt inside, but these things never could.

    As such I felt confined in school, and when the opportunity presented itself, I dropped out of school early on to get a degree. It was only part time, so I thought that I could do everything I ever wanted. Once I left school I grew worse, because I no longer had reminders, there were no longer any Friday speech which I heard(anything relating to the religion like I previously used to hear in school) the lack of reminders, kept me away from doing good.

    Having the freedom I once wished, I watched all which I wanted, one series after one series I move to another and then another. Yet, nothing filled the void. There were days in which I slept in and had no will to get off the bed because all reason was lost. I had nothing to live for. My life was basically nothing but watching movies, tv-series and reading books. Unlike most kids back in school I didn’t have a huge dream or ambition, because it felt like everything was programmed. In this part of the world usually the muslim women get married early on and ultimately would only be at home. I thought that there was no reason to pursue anything because nothing intrigued me, for it seemed that everything was already set. Life was too dull and boring to even step out of the room. I waited to just grow older, get married and then continue the cycle of simply living.

    But all changed one day. I came back to my senses, thinking what was I doing with my life? Was I going to spend it just looking at things and reading endlessly? Was I just wasting away my limited life? Because as a result of this my other things were affected too, the time I spent with family was very less, and I’d get angry at them when they disturbed me whilst I was ‘busy’. Most of the time was spent on just reading and watching. It felt useless, doing the things I did, and as a result I felt useless, that I was just a waste of space doing nothing productive.

    I decided to get back on track and tried to enrol myself in any madrasa so that I’ll be constantly reminded and I can work it all out once again. I tried but it didn’t work out. Over here, it’s extremely rare to see any studies based on the Qur’an alone, it’s usually a combination of various sciences. I had no plans to study the Qur’an. When I saw that my efforts weren’t paying off to enrol at a religious institute I almost gave up.

    But Allah had other plans for me.

    He guided me out through the darknesses and lead me to His book. He gave me the greatest blessing, one I never asked for.

    When I studied the Qur’an in Arabic, the void was finally filled! It was content and satisfied! Reciting the words of my Creator and understanding it in the language in which it was revealed was simply the best feeling and that could never be compared to what I simply watched and read. The normal novels that I read compare nothing to the Qur’an, it truly gives life to the heart. It gives the feeling of achievement, because what we read is real, unlike the fiction novels and tv-series. The happiness I got from reading the Qur’an was real, unlike when I read a normal book.

    The Qur’an gave me purpose, a reason to live. Whenever I had any questions in mind and I go over the Qur’an in class, one by one Allah answers all my queries. There were times when I was lost and so alone, and nothing could console me, not even the repetitive binge watching. Only the Qur’an helped me heal. At certain instances it felt like Allah was really talking to me, even though the verse was read out and explained to the whole classroom. The lessons always connect to each of us in different ways in what we go through. For every problem I had, the solution was in the Qur’an. When I cried to Allah for help, he spoke to me through the Qur’an, to be patient just as the Prophets were.

    Sometimes not all problems we face are simply external, I had many internal issues going on, my lack of self esteem, my inability in trusting anyone, my pessimistic outlook at everything in life. At some point I even felt as though I didn’t deserve to live at all. But it is really amazing when Allah walks me through the journey of His words and shows me just how beautiful life could be if only I looked at it from another perspective. His words alone send a wave of calmness as he shows that the pieces of life aren’t broken, they simply need to be arranged.

    Sometimes it’s easy to forget it all and go back to square one, to be devoid of hope. Even thinking of all the sins I shudder because of its enormity. Night and day I used to be covered in sin, and I wondered if my Lord would ever forgive me, and YES! he promises to do that. In the Qur’an he says to never despair in his mercy. The Qur’an constantly urges us to be hopeful. Hopeful of ease, reward, forgiveness, mercy. Why? Hope is a very powerful factor, it gave me a reason to keep moving ahead in life. And if I was stagnant and too caught up in this world then how could I work to build my Akhira?

    One of the biggest ways the Qur’an affected me was that it sparked something inside of me. I never felt like I was good at anything and I didn’t bother to try before because it was too much worth the effort. I had no ambition, but the Qur’an inspired me to have one. I wanted to do something to leave behind as a legacy so that people could benefit the same way I did and also so that I could keep getting rewards even after I die. Allah repeatedly talks about His blessings in the Qur’an, to remember them and to use it in His way- and alhamdulillah I had discovered many talents only after enrolling here.

    This miraculous book taught me the beauty of actually using my faculties to ponder and look at things with insight, not simply over the surface like how I had been doing before.

    And finally, Allah chose me to give the greatest of all His blessings; the Qur’an, even though I will never be worthy of it. Even though I was literally drowned in sin, He didn’t give up on me because He knew that there was something inside of me that yearned for a life different than that which I was living. He gave me a chance, which I’m all grateful for. Without the Qur’an I wouldn’t be half the person I’m today. I’d have no value, no reason but just a mindless existence. The Qur’an woke me up to reality and took me out of my heedless life. It took me out of the boring life-cycle I expected myself to live. It saved me from the path that lead to nothing but destruction. It chastised me for my wrongdoings and gave me hope when I was devoid of it. It was truly a companion to me when I felt alone. Words can never express how grateful I’am for this blessing, and I pray that Allah gives me the ability to be grateful for this, to preserve the knowledge I had gained & to implement it, and last but not the least- that he showers everyone with this blessing.
    Qur’an for all, in every hand, in every heart.

  12.  I’m standing here today to talk about my journey through Qur’an, but ironically I can never do justice as this journey is simply indescribable. Before my journey I was a career minded person; I had the dream of being an independent woman, I wanted to get a degree and a job, and this was not fueled by greed but out of my desire for freedom and independence, little did know that real freedom was to free oneself from the pleasures of this Dunya.

    And this course Ta’leem at Qur’an was a gift that was given to me by Allah at the most crucial decision making point in my life. I had started my career, I started doing my online Islamic degree and I was going to start my degree in IT in the upcoming semester , everything was going just as I had planned in my to-do list of the year, but then BAM! My marriage was suddenly brought forward, putting an end to my career life and my dreams of getting the degree. This might sound like, ‘’what’s the big deal’’, but Allah tests people with what they love and I guess this was my unique test that had a huge toll on me, to the extent I was getting really depressed, as all of a sudden I fell from living my dream life to living my nightmare. But as you know some of the most valuable lessons can only be learnt through pain and hardship. It was in this state I joined the course, totally unaware of what Allah had in store for me. 

    In these 2 years I did not only recognize who Allah was, but I should say, this journey also gave me the recognition of who I really was, the Miraculous Qur’an changed the perspective with which I saw the world completely, it changed me inside out, from the attire to thoughts, beliefs and emotions. Honestly, I can never do justice when it comes to sharing my journey through Qur’an and the effect it had on me. However, I composed a short poem which I hope will give a glimpse into my journey in Sha Allah.
    Al Huda was a place that always filled me with Inspiration,
    For what could inspire one more than God’s word, His revelation,
    It’s amazing how a book that was revealed 1400 years ago has the answers to all my problems,no matter what situation,
    Some days were easy and some really rough,
    There were countless days I went to bed with tears flowing down my cheeks,
    When my whole world seemed to be wrapped up in a cyclone of confusion,
    When life had squeezed outta me every ounce of determination,
    When every day caused my heart to bleed out with agitation,
    When I thought “THIS IS IT! I CAN’T TAKE IT ANY MORE!”
    Allah said to me,
    “Allah does not burden a soul more than it can bear”.
    Showing me that I’m much stronger and am capable to forebear,

    And there were days where I felt scared, insecure and lonely,
    Hundreds surrounded me, but I felt as if no one understood me,
    And I wished I could just disappear by drowning in the sea,

    Then Allah said,
    So remember me and I will remember you.
    Reminding me that I was never standing singly.

    There were also happy days which I dear,
    Filled with laughter, fun and much cheer,
    Where one could easily forget his purpose and obligations to which he must adhere,
    But Allah said to me,
    And fear Allah. Indeed, Allah is All aware of what you do.
    Reminding me to treat my Muslim identity and prayer with much care in every atmosphere.

    I must admit, this is not how I used to think 2 years back,
    Before this journey of mine travelling in Al Huda’s track,
    I was like every other heedless youth,
    Music, haninging out, make up, career minded what not,

    Al Huda served as a ladder,
    Every day that passed, every lesson I learnt, took me higher and higher,
    Until I was able to see the big picture,
    Suddenly, everything in my life seemed to be in the wrong structure,
    For my priorities had been stacked with the wrong architecture,
    Make money, trot the globe it was all in a disorganized mixture,
    But, Alhamdhulilah, for the Qur’an – God’s final scripture,

    And Alhamdhuliah for Al Huda which fed me the Qur’an in piece meal through its lecture,
    For today, I’m able to stand and say,
    I feel happy; I feel blessed; I feel enlightened; I feel positive; I feel content; I feel hopeful, and above all I feel chosen,
    It’s a feeling like no other, indescribable, irrespective of words spoken,
    For God’s word mended me and healed my blackened heart that was torn, scarred and broken.

    On this takmeel day,
    When our hearts flutter with happiness like flowers dancing in happiness and gay,
    I sincerely pray,
    O Allah, Guide us and always make us among those who obey,
    And I sincerely pray,
    O Allah, among righteous company make us always stay,
    And I sincerely pray,
    Please, Ya Rabb do not make us among those who go astray,
    And make us fearful of the day in which the price of every deed must be paid.
    Allah said,
    ‘If you are grateful, I will give you more,
    I’m grateful for being a Muslim, I’m grateful for Qur’an, my teachers, my family, my friends and the list goes on.

    This course -Taleem al Qur’an, done!
    But this is not the end, the real game has just begun,

    To perform good deeds hasten, race , run!
    For with each second that passes we are getting closer to the ultimate reality that must be faced by everyone.
    Death! Yes, It waits for no one.
    So submit to Allah, the Almighty God, The One.
    And for those you who are new to this place,
    I say marhaban, welcome,
    I invite you to join the course, come, experience true happiness in this journey where your heart and mind will undoubtedly reform,

    And I would like to conclude by saying , Assalamu alaikum, peace be upon you, I really hope you see you all again soon in Al Huda, my second Home.

  13. These days I only sense a feeling of fear. A type of fear that a baby bird would feel before taking its first flight out. I remember my teacher telling us about Allah’s name “Al- Muhaymin”. One of the words from the same root is haymana which refers to when a hen spreads her wings over her chicks; so protecting, guarding. Al-Muhaymin: the Guardian, the One who protects. Allah is the One who Guides us and Protects us here at AlHuda.

    I knew nothings of the quran , let alone the institute. I was keen to learn but had no idea what to expect. What was this Alhuda everyone was talking about?

    White scarves, black abayas? A world of Jazahkallahs and Alhamdullilahs..No hello but a greeting of salaam. A place where everyone worked soley for the pleasure of Allah. It was something new to me.

    I remember my hands aching after taking notes on my first day.I didn’t understand and felt scared and wondered if I had taken too much upon myself.I couldn’t write in Arabic so I would write the terms down in Sinhala. Today I’m restless when my teacher goes slow and Alhamdullilah I can manage to write in Arabic. ..something I never thought I would be able to do. This is now my home. The place I feel the most secure, the most content. The weekend after a tiring week of class is usually welcome but the thought that I’ll be back there by Tuesday is comfort. Alhuda is my safety net. The net that keeps me tied to the quran. No matter what happens I wait to be back in my seat on Tuesday and to hear my teacher ask us how our weekend was and then begin our tafseer. 

    It’s a constant battle amongst us students, who Allah will speak to each day…everyone seeking that honor. The feeling when you know the ayahs are directed at you is something, nothing else in the world can replace. 

    This journey with the quran has been the best thing that happened to me. It has been my two years of self discovery. There was a time at class ,when our teacher asked us to let them know our skills. I really believed I had nothing of value to offer. I remember my friends googling lists of skills that they felt I should try. It ranged from pottery to calligraphy. I still didn’t know. We all gave up. I failed to understand that He knows best. Today I do things I never thought I would ever do.I used to hide behind the pillars at class terrified the teacher would ask me to read. Allah opened doors for me that I never knew existed. He let me reach out to people that I never knew I could ever reach . Everything I said I would never do, Allah ( swt) showed me that I could. I tell myself these days that this is just the beginning of our journey,but the melancholy cant be removed. I avoid thinking about that last page of the quran. My favourite time of the day is when we all ask our duas at the end of class. All our white scarves bowing down in uniformity with gratitude for this blessing bestowed upon us. It is the closest I feel to Allah. I believe that sense of tranquillity comes only after listening to the kalam of Allah. I really do believe that the angels do surround our gathering and ask dua for us at that time and I truly believe that he found me lost and guided me.

  14. Just another lost girl, wavering in deceptions of this world. Blinded by the glitz and glamour of this dunya. Religion was a mere ‘practice’. Friends and family was everything that mattered I believed, but deep down inside I knew something was just missing, the puzzle was incomplete.

    Not until I was destined to meet a friend. But this time guidance was sent in the form of this friend. A friend who is worth being called a ‘friend’.

    A stranger I was, stepping in through the doors of the building, but to my own surprise all the welcoming smiles and greetings made me forget I was a ‘stranger’.

    “Am I in the right place? What am I doing here?” so many confused voices in my head, but ignoring them then was the best choice I made.

    Then began my journey, a journey that was filled with struggles and challenges in the beginning, but the daily dosage of listening to the Speech my Rabb made them seem so insignificant. It was all worth the writhe. My challenges became meaningful, patience and perseverance became easy.

    Merely spending the few hours of the day around these people filled with positivity and enlightenment, the people I am able to call as ‘my family’ would brighten my day up. People who would correct me with kindness, people who would feed me breakfast and would call me up, with love and concern when I was missing in class.

    Everyone aiding each other to work for the same goal, one goal- JANNAH!

    “This is the place! The missing puzzle piece!”

    The ‘Blue Juzz’ became a part of my life, the Hijab became my identity. Two years of cover-to- cover study of the Quran taught me my purpose of life- to worship My Lord Alone, to rely on Him Completely, to please Him Exclusively.

    The Words of my Rabb never fail to amaze me, no matter how often they are repeated, its just as if I’m listening to Them for the first time. They fill me up with hope, reassurance, positivity, cravings and sometimes even fear, but most of all contentment.

    Now coming towards the end of this journey, certainly will be the most difficult of goodbyes, every time I think about it my heart never fails to pound hard enough that my eyes fill up with tears, this is just the end of this journey, definitely not going to be the end of my journey with the Qur’an insha Allah! Allah chose me; He blessed me with the greatest of blessings. Alhamdulillah!

    I will come back, stepping in through the same doors I stepped in through as a stranger, but this time I will take the pride of calling it ‘My Home’- Al Huda Institute Sri Lanka!

    Qur’an for all in every hand, in every heart!

  15. Before I joined Al Huda, many discouraged me from enrolling, insisting that Al Huda is from a particular sect and will brainwash me. Despite their advice, I went ahead and enrolled myself along with my daughter. Though I joined thinking that i will only be learning the Tafseer, I got the opportunity to learn more subjects like Thajweedh, Hadith, Seerah and much more. If I had only listened to them and not joined, I would have missed out on this great opportunity of learning the Kalaam of Allah and the rest. 

    When I was enrolling my daughter to this course, there were many raised eyebrows as to why a madrasa and not a university… they regarded this as low but I wish they only knew that this is the best gift a mother can give her child and I have no regrets in my decision. 

    These two years of my journey with the Qur’an in Al Huda has been the best years of my life. It’s such a great feeling to know the words of Allah as though He is directly talking to me and the translation alone cannot do justice to it’s meaning. Learning the Tafseer, the context of revelation, the Arabic all in a whole made it more meaningful. After learning the word to word translation of the Qur’an, I am more attentive when the recitation is played unlike before and it’s a great feeling to understand what I recite.

    I made so many righteous friends here and we are friends even by not knowing each others’ backgrounds or status. We have become one big family working towards the same cause.

    I’ve learned so much from my teachers, from their advices and mannerisms. I always think low of myself, wondering what I’m really good at, and I was talking about this to Sister Farah (my usthadha). I will never forget what she told me that day: she said “ALLAH CHOSE YOU FOR THE BEST”. I feel a great sense of achievement for completing the study of the Qur’an at least once, which, as she said, is indeed the best deed in the sight of Allah. This really is a blessing that many don’t value, and I am truly grateful for this experiance and I hope that many others too will get the opportunity to learn the Kalaam of Allah as I have.

    All Praise is due to Allah!